Actions that add color to your life path.
- 2023.11.01 Kyoichi Kita assigned our Artfact!
- 2023.11.18 Artfact global e-commerce site Grand OPEN! Check out the Real-Artwork!
- 2023.11.01 Kyoichi Kita assigned our Artfact!
- 2023.11.18 Artfact global e-commerce site Grand OPEN! Check out the Real-Artwork!
- 2023.11.01 Kyoichi Kita assigned our Artfact!
- 2023.11.18 Artfact global e-commerce site Grand OPEN! Check out the Real-Artwork!
- 2023.11.01 Kyoichi Kita assigned our Artfact!
- 2023.11.18 Artfact global e-commerce site Grand OPEN! Check out the Real-Artwork!
- 2023.11.01 Kyoichi Kita assigned our Artfact!
- 2023.11.18 Artfact global e-commerce site Grand OPEN! Check out the Real-Artwork!
Akio Minamitani
ひとつの作品が、アトリエから勢いよく飛び出して、その存在を異空間に示し、作り手の自由と、観るの人の自由が多く重なり合う。"ArtFact World"は、その多くの機会を用意して、あなたを待っている。
A piece of work jumps out of the atelier and reveals its existence in a different space, and the creator's freedom and the viewer's freedom overlap in many ways. "ArtFact World" has many opportunities waiting for you.

Akio Minamitani's Featured products
Kyoichi Kita
森喜久雄氏のサロンで絵画に触れ、制作開始。【具体美術】の村上三郎氏、堀尾貞治氏等と親交を深め、影響を受ける。 絵画の他に、パントマイマー、バンド等マルチアーティストとして活躍中。
He started creating paintings at Kikuo Mori's salon. He developed close friendships with and was influenced by "GUTAI" artists such as Saburo Murakami and Sadaharu Horio.
In addition to painting, he is also active as a multi-artist, including as a pantomimer and in a band.